quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2007

On the turning away...

I guess we are all changing in to the trip mode during the last few days... Ivan is working a lot less than he used to, Rapadura is leaving in a couple of weeks, and Pedro and Sósia will quit one of the jobs in one week to have more time to plan the trip before they leave in 2 weeks.

Me, I am still quite busy with work, but the changes on them also afect me and I now always have my Southeast asia on a shoestring with me, so at any time free I have while working I open up the book to read about some of the countries I'll go to, and it is very very good!!

I have finished the Saramago's book today, and if feels bad to read the last line of such a good book! We have that feeling of  "I want more!!" like a drug or something like that. I end up liking it very much, though I had some considerations against it. Obviously, Saramago never felt hunger and did not take his time to read something about it, and turned into considering only his own thoughs, that are more focused on the psychological behavior of the characters. However, under the described hunger situations, the brain works in very well determined ways witch he knew nothing about, and some of the chrisis he describes are very unreal due to that mistake... it turns it down a bit... other than that, some other points of view are a bit diferent than mine, but the great majority of the book are thing I would not have thought about, what makes it a great great book to read!

I will soon start posting some thoughts of mine... I hope I can put into words some of the thoughts I have... it will be a nice way to organize it... the first one will be about this situation I am vey close to here in the USA, the illegality. I have contact to many people who are here under the walking visa, and some others who have no idea of what goes on in the world, and some others that have quite interesting stories from back home, and I would never imagine them here. Let's see if I can put it up here and let's see what you will think of it. Maybe some coments would be nice, if not, I hope the silince may be one of apreciation and thoughts about it rather than feelings that it was so stupid that don't even deserve an opinion..

I had feedbacks of people who are not understanding the English, but I am well determined in continue to write on a more widespread language... let's see how this text works on the Babel Fish Translator at Altavista. It follows bellow, with no alterations. If it is good I'll teach you how to use it, if not, I will find out something else...

Actualy, I've just tried it and it sucks so much I will not even post it here... to you old people who don't speak English in Brazil, please ask for your kids help for a couple posts more, before I figure something out...

see ya!

4 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Ilike of your blog always!!!!!!!!
But,before in portuguese used to be more funny...

Anônimo disse...

Marcello, sempre que posso venho ler seus posts... tao massa.
Fico feliz de ter sido seu elo inicial com o Alabama, ainda bem que deu tudo "quase certo".
Aqui no Recife estou feliz demais!!
Qq dia desses te ligo.

Anônimo disse...

saudades quirido...
trabalhando muito? e as fotos não resolveu isso ainda não?

Anônimo disse...

Puta que pariu ,,,,

Escreve isso em portugues ,,,,, Em ingles nao tem muita vivacidade, por nao ser sua lingua patria , voce nao consegue transmitir tudo com os sentimentos reais ....

Eu sou seu amigo , mas amizade tem limite ,,, To quase desistindo de acompanhar !!!

Beijos Lhama querido !!!!!