Senhoras e senhores,
más notícias, duas, uma meio que consequencia da outra...
Ontem, ensinando aos gringos o que é o futebol arte, saí de campo contundido. Olha que tava só completando o time dos gringos no gol, fiz uma defesa a á Cléston com o pé esquerdo, e tomei nos dedos uma topada da bola daquelas que deixam tudo inchado... já aconteceu isso comigo muitas vezes com os dedos da mão, mas foi a primeira vez no pé...
saí de campo pois estava doendo, mas estava controlável... fomos beber e comer buffalo wings, e foi só hoje, depois que esfriei o corpo que deu pra perceber o estrago. Putz, meu pé direito tá o dobro do esquerdo, é impossível dobrar os dedos mais de 1 décimo de grau, e sendo assim, é impossível andar, e eu sou garçon.
Meu trabalho é basicamente andar e falar. Com uma das faculdades debilitada não há como continuar. Hoje não fui pro Live Bait, nem pro Beach Club - tchi chin, menos uns 150 doletas na conta... - e amanhã acho que ainda não serei capaz de andar com a mínima desenvoltura necessária para carregar uma bandeja...
não se trata de me curar... o que eu quero é encontrar rapidamente uma maneira de caminhar contornando o problema para que eu não sinta dor e possa andar mesmo que mancando... talvez demore mais a melhorar, mas ficar parado o tempo que seria necessário para recuperar os movimentos de verdade seria um prejuízo que eu não tenho condições de suportar... não há menos de 2 meses do começo da fase onde o dinheiro vai exclusivamente sair!
Essa foi a primeira notícia ruim...
a segunda, decorrente dessa, é que hoje foi o diamais chato do ano. De longe!! Não pude sair de casa pq o povo precisava do carro para ir pro trabalho e eu não tava afim de acordar cedo, então fiquei em casa... que mérda... o dia inteiro com o pé pra cima num pacote de gelo... Tentei usar o dia para definir o itinerário da passagem, mas não deu pra fazer isso uma vez que a internet não colaborou...
passei o dia vendo SMALLVILLE! Não dá pra acreditar... até tinha uns filmes aqui em casa, mas não funcionaram nenhum deles no computador do rapa, então me fodi...
Espero que dê pra caminhar pelo menos a partir de depois de amanhã. Como estaria de off na noite de amnha, o prejú seria só de uns 40-50 conto da manhã...
é isso...
Não sei se repararam mas o Viajandão está de volta em portugês. Hoje percebi que um espectador que me conhece há 22 anos e que eu conheço desde que o fenômeno da consciência apitou na minha cabeça e disse: "Agora é nui", tinha parado de ler o blog dada a incapacidade linguística...
a idéia é que o povo possa todo acompanhar, mas é mais importante manter o pessoal que tem fidelidade viajandão informado do quê dar de bandeja pros gringos...
então, a não ser que eu tenha paciência para escrever nas duas línguas, viajandão volta à sua língua original. E tenho dito!
terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2007
Bad news em português...
sábado, 16 de junho de 2007
The language problem...
It's true that, since English is not my mother language, this might go a bit less interesting, since I have no way to express some stuff that are part of the Brazilian way...
However, I haven't tried to make a fun english text, maybe because I had nothing funy to write about, but now I do: out adventure fishing for sharks yesterday!
Well, I've talked there at the Live Bait, and found out that people go fishing for sharks on a sea wall, one of those they build to protect a harbor of ig waves, so we should walk to the end of it, fish a little fish to use it as a live bait, and then fish for the Bull Shark, which would not be much bigger than 1 meter, if it would be that big.
Ok, so I talked to Justin, a guy who works at the restaurant too, and he said he had a couple of fishing poles, and as he was not working on the night, we could go. So we went to his house to drink some beer after work and arrange everything, since the best time is supposed to be the late evening when the sun is going down, and I left work at 5 pm.
That's when the fun begins... at his house, I had way too much to drink, and so I was already not much up to fishing anymore... Sósia and Pedro decided to join us, and when they got there we were all very drunk and they had to go to Mc Donalds for the overnight shift - or shit, as they say: overnight shit - so they could not drink as much as we did to have the absurd fun the drunk people have whyle doing nothing...
Then Justin showed us the fishing poles! HAHHAHAHA unbelievable!! They could not handle anything but a big Traíra!! Anything bigger than that would destroy the line and if the line resisted the pole would break hahaha and we said: "Did you think you would get sharks with this!?" "Ah, not really... but we'll catch something!!" hahahha The shark could eat that hook and wouldn't even feel anything while it was going down his throat!!
Ok, so far our shar fishing turned into a regular sea fishing by the sea wall. Then we went to the bait shop to buy some little calamaris to serve as baits. Then we started talking about how far the sea wall was, and how late it was, and as I noticed Justin was not very enthusiastic about the idea anymore, I supported him on voting in favor to fish on the beach, from the sand... At this time we had already bought all the fishing equipment, extra hooks, baits and even a new line, other than the pack of Bud.
Then, on the time we get to the beach, Justin's girlfriend calls him to pick her up at her job, which was also far far away... he had to go, and left me, Sósia and Pedro, one drunk and 2 sober... thank can't be good... Justin said he was coming back after dropping her home. The three of us walk to the beach, I take on the baits which were frozen and try to unfreeze them on the sea, just to get myself completely wet with my work clothes, and then we realize that the beach is full of kids looking for those little animals we call tatuí in Brazil, so we could not pull up a line or the kids would get stuck on in as they passed in front of us... not to mention the fact that it is illegal to drink in public places, and it would be quite an esparro to drink with so many people there...
So, it was a matter of time till someone had the balls to say we were not doing that anymore... I finally said, I'll call Justin and tell him we are gone! We'll return his fishing stuff some other day. I called him and he said "Ok, not a problem" And I don't know who was more happy, Justin for not coming, or we for leaving!
So check it: Our shark fishing turned into a regular fishing in a nice place, than turned into a stupid fishing by the beach, than turned into dead calamaris on the sand and none in the water as baits, and not a single shot of the hooks to the water!
I said to Pedro as we drove home: "Yeah, you come here to the greatest indio program so far... at least you can drive us, because I am not in conditions to do so..." and he said "Yeah... you should see Sósia yelling at me "You are an old bastard! You don't have energy for nothing!" When I said I didn't wanna come... well we did, and look at this... well, whatever..."
hahahaha the best part is that I had a lot of fun hahaha
see ya'll... let me see the feedback of this one...
quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2007
On the turning away...
I guess we are all changing in to the trip mode during the last few days... Ivan is working a lot less than he used to, Rapadura is leaving in a couple of weeks, and Pedro and Sósia will quit one of the jobs in one week to have more time to plan the trip before they leave in 2 weeks.
Me, I am still quite busy with work, but the changes on them also afect me and I now always have my Southeast asia on a shoestring with me, so at any time free I have while working I open up the book to read about some of the countries I'll go to, and it is very very good!!
I have finished the Saramago's book today, and if feels bad to read the last line of such a good book! We have that feeling of "I want more!!" like a drug or something like that. I end up liking it very much, though I had some considerations against it. Obviously, Saramago never felt hunger and did not take his time to read something about it, and turned into considering only his own thoughs, that are more focused on the psychological behavior of the characters. However, under the described hunger situations, the brain works in very well determined ways witch he knew nothing about, and some of the chrisis he describes are very unreal due to that mistake... it turns it down a bit... other than that, some other points of view are a bit diferent than mine, but the great majority of the book are thing I would not have thought about, what makes it a great great book to read!
I will soon start posting some thoughts of mine... I hope I can put into words some of the thoughts I have... it will be a nice way to organize it... the first one will be about this situation I am vey close to here in the USA, the illegality. I have contact to many people who are here under the walking visa, and some others who have no idea of what goes on in the world, and some others that have quite interesting stories from back home, and I would never imagine them here. Let's see if I can put it up here and let's see what you will think of it. Maybe some coments would be nice, if not, I hope the silince may be one of apreciation and thoughts about it rather than feelings that it was so stupid that don't even deserve an opinion..
I had feedbacks of people who are not understanding the English, but I am well determined in continue to write on a more widespread language... let's see how this text works on the Babel Fish Translator at Altavista. It follows bellow, with no alterations. If it is good I'll teach you how to use it, if not, I will find out something else...
Actualy, I've just tried it and it sucks so much I will not even post it here... to you old people who don't speak English in Brazil, please ask for your kids help for a couple posts more, before I figure something out...
see ya!