It is sad, but for the last week I have done nothing but working, eating very badly, and sleeping a little bit... let me tell you how it was:
I still have to gather a considerable amount of money to fit the budget of my trip, so I will have to work hard. I had 3 jobs in this last week: Live Bait, the seafood restaurant, Beach Club, another restaurant, more to fine dinning, and, believe it or not, McDonalds, for a couple nights, from 11 PM to 7 AM - trash!!
I was doing good last weekend when the summer started here, and the city got busy, but only with 0ne job, the person has way too much free time and then spends all he makes - that's what happened in Austin - and then I got the McDonalds job to keep me busy. But then, right after the first work day, the manager of the Beach Club called me and offered me a job as a server there. I had a very tight schedule at Live Bait for this week, but I've decided to take it on, and put some more work on it, so I worked 16 hours every single day of this week, not only this morning. Tomorrow will be 16 hours again, and then Saturday and Sunday also, but then I am yes doing a reasonable amount of money every week, and I am spending nothing.
It is sad, because I was having lots of fun and now no longer... but anyway, you gotta do what you gotta do, so let's do it.
The McDonalds job is the most ridiculous job ever! I can't believe how one can do it for life, specially here where there are several other opportunities, which all pay more and are not even close to as disgusting! There is a fat atmosphere as soon as you walk behind the counter at those fast food places. It is like 10.000 huge fat people farted and burped all in the same second and closed all the windows. Do it for 8 hours and you know what I am talking about... The only reason why I have a big smile on the photo there is because that was before my first day there.
Live Bait is something like a fast food seafood restaurant. The menu is very bad, fried stuff and some grilled and steamed, but nothing very attractive. The idea is to have some service and some fun, but it is still fast paced, as the tables rotate a lot through the night... I will never go eat there.
Now the Beach Club is amazing. The food is amazing and the service is a little more comprehensive than at Live Bait, but the atmosphere is much better because people go there to have fun while picking the food and talking and the tables sit there for longer. It is quite expensive and people who go there are basically all loaded, so people make good money out of little work. I like food and so I like to see all the nice stuff that we serve there, and I really have some fun while doing it. It is a set fact that some time I will have my own hostel with a little nice restaurant on it. I really like that stuff
Other than that, everything goes ok... no interesting news. I have not yet finished the book by Saramago, because I had not time to do so. I was reading a lot but then I got busy and there is no time, but I liked it incredibly much so far! There are only a few parts when I did not liked the way he presented some things, and when I realized that I was not sure if I was way to arrogant to criticize Saramago's writing or if it was a sign that I was a bit more mature and could perceive things on my own, and while reading something I disagreed I did not like it, well I am still not sure about which one is more accurate, though I hope it is the second one... I'll let you know when I get done with the book.
See you, or maybe not cause I might not have time... I should buy my round the world ticket in the next couple weeks!